Business plans

We can assist with preparation of business plans:

  • as part of an application for funding from the EU funds or other support programs, or
  • with the purpose of obtaining a bank loan
  • to determine a return of a project
  • in order to obtain an independent view on a planned investment

Feasibility studies

In accordance with the client’s needs we can elaborate a feasibility study either as a required attachment to an application for funding, or as an instrument for assessment of the planned results.

Financial analyses

Financial ex-ante and ex-post analysis, profit plans, cash-flow plan, determination of break-even points or cost/benefit analysis are the appropriate instruments for assessment of financial situation of a project or a company. Its main ambition is to provide a realistic and independent view of a particular problem or planned investment. Our financial advisers aim to provide an objective evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of a business entity or an investment plan as well as a credible opinion on its financial situation from the short-term and long-term aspects.

Marketing plans

Based on detailed market research our marketing advisors elaborate analyses, define objectives, select the most suitable marketing strategy and propose an implementation time schedule that will help our clients to become competitive with other entities and help to secure their position on the market.